Older Releases of CDA Validation test packages and example sets
IHE Patient Care Coordination
HITSP_C28_TestPackage.zip (367 KB)
This test package contains the complete set of Schematron rules for the identified HITSP/C28 version and the profile document itself. This release is dated 12/20/2007.
HITSP_C28_NursingNote_Examples.zip (24 KB)
This file contains examples related to the HITSP/C28 - Emergency Care Nursing Note that is equivalent to the IHE PCC v3.0 Emergency Department Nursing Note module. It contains a ReadMe file to explain the examp
8_Sample_Physician_Note_20080111.xml (57 KB)
HITSP_C28_Sample_Physician_Note_20080111.xml is a sample of a
HITSPC28/Physician Note document. This also complies with the ED Physician's
Note as described in IHE's Patient Care Coordination's Technical Framework
IHE_PCC_FunctionalStatus_TestPackage_Feb2008.zip (32 KB)
This test package contains a complete set of Schematron rules for validating an IHE PCC Functional Status
Assessment (FSA) Section identified with templateId, along with a schematron
file and a valid IHE CRS clinical document with a single, fully populated FSA Section.
IHE_PCC_ED_COMPOSITE_TestPackage.zip (150 KB)
This test package contains a complete set of Schematron rules for
validating an IHE PCC ED Composite Triage and Nursing Note identified
with templateId, along with a schematron file
and a valid IHE PCC ED Composite Triage and Nursing Note document.
IHE_PCC_ED_REFERRAL_TestPackage.zip (151 KB)
This test package contains a complete set of Schematron rules for
validating IHE PCC Cross-Enterprise Sharing of Medical Summaries (XDS-MS)
documents identified with templateId (Referral
Summary) or templateId (Discharge Summary), along
with schematron files and valid IHE PCC XDS-MS documents.
IHE_PCC_PHR_EXTRACT_TestPackage.zip (151 KB)
This test package contains a complete set of Schematron rules for
validating IHE PCC Personal Health Record Extract (PHR Extract)
documents identified with templateId, along
with a schematron file and a valid IHE PCC PHR Extract documents.
IHE_PCC_XDS_MS_TestPackage.zip (155 KB)
This test package contains a complete set of Schematron rules for
validating IHE PCC Cross-Enterprise Sharing of Medical Summaries (XDS-MS)
documents identified with templateId (Referral
Summary) or templateId (Discharge Summary),
along with schematron files and valid IHE PCC XDS-MS documents.
IHE_PCC_ED_COMPOSITE_20080118.xml (48 KB)
IHE_PCC_ED_COMPOSITE_20080118.xml is a sample of an IHE PCC ED
Composite Triage and Nursing Note as described in IHE's Patient Care
Coordination's Technical Framework v3.0.
IHE_PCC_ED_REFERRAL_20080125.xml (51 KB)
IHE_PCC_ED_REFERRAL_20080125.xml is a sample of an IHE PCC ED Referral (EDR)
Summary as described in IHE's Patient Care Coordination's Technical Framework v3.0.
IHE_PCC_PHR_EXTRACT_20080125.xml (49 KB)
IHE_PCC_PHR_EXTRACT_20080125.xml is a sample of an IHE PCC PHR Extract as
described in IHE's Patient Care Coordination's Technical Framework v3.0.
IHE_XDSMS_Referral_Examples.zip (19 KB)
This file contains examples related to the IHE Patient Care Coordination XDS-MS Referral Summary Specification.
IHE_XDSMS_Discharge_Examples.zip (17 KB)
This file contains examples related to the IHE Patient Care Coordination XDS-MS Discharge Summary Specification.
HITSP C32: HITSP Summary Documents Using HL7 CCD
(formerly known as Registration and Medication History)
HITSP_C32v2.0.4_TestPackage.zip (474 KB)
This test package contains the complete set of Schematron rules for the identified HITSP/C32 version, the profile document itself, an extended version of the CDA/R2 schema defined by the C32 profile, and a set of example C32 instance documents.
HITSP_C32v2.0.4_MoreExamples (30 KB)
This file contains several examples that can be used as abstract templates for constructing HITSP/C32 clinical summary documents that will satisfy CCD and C32 validation requirements at this web site. It contains a ReadMe file to explain the examples.
HITSP_C32v2.0.2_TestPackage.zip (1.07 MB)
This test package contains the complete set of Schematron rules for the identified HITSP/C32 version, the profile document itself, an extended version of the CDA/R2 schema defined by the C32 profile, and a set of example C32 instance documents.
HITSP C37: Lab Report Document
HITSP_C37_TestPackage_03Jan_2008.zip (2.00 MB)
This test package contains the reference Documents, extended CDA_R2 schema, and
the schematron rules needed to test an instance of an HITSPC37/XD*-Lab document.
These rules are used in the Validation Tool. Changes from previous versions are
recorded in the ChangeLog.doc.
HITSP_C37_TestPackage.zip (2.00 MB)
HITSP_C37_TestPackage contains the reference Documents, extended CDA_R2 schema, and the schematron rules needed to test an instance of an HITSPC37/XD*-Lab document. These are the rules used in the validation tool.
NHIN Summary Patient Record